Foreigner's Handbook

Demystifying Singapore's Work Passes for Foreign Professionals

To attract skilled professionals and boost the country's workforce, Singapore offers various work visa types that are generally allocated based on the applicants' salaries. This quick guide will walk you through the main work visas for professionals in Singapore.
ATHR Content Team
January 24, 2025

Work Passes issued by Ministry of Manpower

1. Employment Pass (EP)

The Singapore Employment Pass is designed for foreign professionals in managerial, and executive roles who meet the government's eligibility criteria. This visa can be valid for up to 2 years for first-time candidates and is renewable for up to 3 years. From September 2023, tech experts with skills in shortage areas may also apply for an EP valid for up to 5 years.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Have a job offer from an approved employer in Singapore.
  • Posses a managerial, executive, or specialized role.
  • Prove that you earn at least S$5,000 per month.

2. Singapore Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)

If you're an entrepreneur planning to relocate your business to Singapore, the Singapore Entrepreneur Pass, also known as EntrePass, is your ideal visa. This is a 1-year visa, renewable for up to 2 years.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Register a private limited company with Singapore's Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) that has innovative technologies or is venture-backed.
  • Ensure that the company is less than 6 months old at the time of application.
  • Meet at least one of the innovative criteria stipulated by MOM for entrepreneurs, innovators or investors on its website.

3. Personalised Employment Pass (PEP)

The Personalised Employment Pass is a special 3-year visa for top-tier executives. Unlike the EP, the PEP does not require the sponsorhip of an employer in Singapore and thus allows you to switch jobs as many times as you wish, provided you are employed by a Singapore-registered company. However, this pass cannot be renewed once the term is up.

Eligibility criteria:

  • From 1 September 2023, the minimum fixed monthly salary requirement to apply for a PEP has been raised to $22,500.
  • Must not be a journalist, editor, sub-editor, or producer.
  • Must not have an Employment Pass under Singapore's sponsorship scheme.
  • Must not intend to work on a freelance basis.
  • Must not be a sole proprietor, partner or where a director is also a shareholder in an ACRA-registered company.

4. Tech.Pass

The Tech.Pass is a 2-year visa designed to attract leading tech experts, entrepreneurs, and frontrunners. This pass is issued by the Singapore Economic Development Board and allows foreign individulas to engage in various roles in Singapore simultaneously.

Pass holders can:

  • Establish and run more than one tech company.
  • Be an employee of one or more Singapore-based firms.
  • Mentor or lecture in local institutions of higher learning (IHL).
  • Be an investor or director in at least one Singapore-based company.

5. Overseas Networks and Expertise Pass (ONE Pass)

The ONE Pass is the newest addition to Singapore's work pass lineup. It aims to attract top talents in all sectors, including academia and research, sports, arts and culture, and business. The pass is valid for 5 years for first-time candidates and is renewable for 5 years subsequently.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Earn a permanent monthly salary of at least S$30,000 over the past year or be set to earn the same for your new employer in Singapore.
  • Have been working in Singapore for at least 1 year or will be working for a reputable firm in Singapore (for existing work pass holders).
  • Have been working for an established company for at least 1 year or will be doing so for an established company in Singapore (for overseas applicants).

Alternatively, even if you do not meet the salary criteria, individuals with outstanding achievements in the aforementioned sectors can apply under the alternative route.

In Conclusion

As a multi-cultural business hub and gateway to the rest of Southeast Asia, Singapore offers numerous opportunities for foreign professionals across various fields. Whether you're a high-level executive, a tech expert, an entrepreneur, or an individual with exceptional skills, there's a work visa tailored to your needs.

In a nutshell, the type of work visa you should apply for largely depends on your professional background, your proposed role in Singapore, and your salary. Remember, specific criteria for each type of visa can change over time, so it's crucial to stay updated on the latest regulations and requirements.

While this guide provides a quick overview of the Singapore work visas for foreign professionals and executives, it's always best to consult with a corporate service provider or official resources for your specific situation.

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